2018 SSWR Conference Reflection
For the next few weeks, we will be posting reflections from doctoral student task force members and their experiences at the 2018 SSWR Conference in DC.
L-R: Dr. Sarah McMahon, Julia O’Connor, Sangeeta Chatterji
Julia O’Connor
Doctoral Candidate
Rutgers University School of Social Work
1. Your experience in DC: Anything fun you did or people you met.
I loved every moment I spent at “A Baked Joint”! This amazing bakery and coffee shop is a must visit for biscuits, fried green tomato sandwiches and all other carb products. Before boarding the train back to Jersey, I stocked up on a sandwich, biscuit, brownie and loaf of bread!
2. Most unique, intriguing, thought-provoking presentation you attended.
This year, I enjoyed the violence against women and children (VAWC) SIG that was held on Thursday. This special half day SIG included presentations and breakout small groups sessions where I met other PhD students and prominent scholars in my area.
3. Your main takeaways and what you will take back with you to you work.
Network only as long as you can. While networking is important, so is self-care. For those of us introverts four to five days of networking, while rewarding, can be draining. Take time to enjoy your own interests (eating biscuits), catch up with friends, sightsee, or daydream about exciting research ideas while taking a break from the joys of networking.