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Diversity Statement: Demonstrating Commitment to Anti-Racist Practices on the Job Market

This was originally published in the May 2021 edition of SSWR DSC’s Monthly Monitor, available here. Title image photo credit: The Gender Spectrum Collection.

The increasingly obvious socio-cultural and political turmoil in the United States has drawn attention to the inherently racist practices and structures in our society, including our educational and higher education institutions. As a way to better understand an applicant’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), most academic positions have added a Diversity Statement as another component of the job packet. These statements are increasingly separate components from a description of DEI in a teaching or research statement. 

Diversity Statements are an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to DEI and, more specifically, discuss practices and values that guide your research, teaching, practice, and presence in the fight against systemic racism. With intersectionality and the many facets of diversity, you should narrow down to the most important elements, perhaps those that relate to your research or ongoing community action/advocacy, rather than try to discuss every aspect of diversity. 

You should include specific references to your work educating yourself on issues of DEI, active involvement in addressing DEI, and a plan of action with specific tasks or goals to support marginalized communities. Think, what aspects of your work or track record show not just an understanding of the inherent inequities across communities, but also action towards equity?

Many university and college writing centers now have specific resources and writing prompts to help you begin drafting your Diversity Statement. In creating your statement, it's important to reflect on your experiences and values. It may be helpful to look at exemplars and have an active discussion with your mentors. Remember, diversity statements are not a place to discuss your involvement with diverse populations or describe your appreciation of diverse perspectives. Instead, this statement should reflect specific examples of your actions and approach to DEI and anti-racist practices. 

Diversity Statement Writing Prompts, Resources, and References:

Beck, S.L. (2018). Developing and Writing a Diversity Statement. Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching. Retrieved April 27th, 2021 from

Cornell University. Rubric Assessing Candidate on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Office of Faculty Development and Diversity. Retrieved from

Man, J. (n.d.) How to write a Diversity Statement & Samples. Diversity for Social Impact.

University of California Berkeley (n.d.) Rubric for Assessing Candidate Contributions to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare. Retrieved from

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (n.d.) Diversity Statements. The Writing Center. Retrieved from